School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Level 3, Room 306
Zelman Cowen Building (51)
The University of Queensland
St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia
Office Hours
8:30am - 4:00pm, Monday to Friday
General enquiries
Phone: +61 7 336 53537 Fax: +61 7 336 53999
Published profile 1 |
Published profile 2 , |
Published profile 3 | |
Published profile 4 | |
Published profile 5 | |
Dr Islam Abdellatif Mashaly Postdoctoral Research Fellow
UQ School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr John Achari | |
Mr Alexander Ackfun Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Mubeen Ahmad | ||
Dr Peyman Akhgar Research Scholar |
Dr Sara Alidoust Senior Lecturer in Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 56671 |
Dr Zaheer Allam | |
Miss Thi Thanh Nhan An Higher Degree by Research Student |
Emeritus Professor Brit Andresen Emerita Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Alfonso Arango Gonzalez | |
Mr David Auld | |
Mr Abolghasem Azhdari | |
Mr Kim Baber Fellow in Civil Engineering & Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Mahnaz Bahremandi Tolou | |
Mr Mark Baker | |
Dr Gregory Bamford Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning , |
Mr Augustin Bauchot | |
Miss Gracie Beard | |
Mr Ashley Beckett | |
Mr Peter Besley Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Dylan Bolger | |
Ms Julie Ellen Borgelt | |
Ms Theresa Bower Research Officer
School of Architecture |
+61 7 3665 4051 |
Mr Scott Breton | |
Mr Jeffrey Briant | |
Dr Liz Brogden Director of Teaching and Learning & Senior Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Miss Sonya Brown Technical Officer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning Technical Officer
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology |
Mr Sam Butler Senior Technical Officer
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology |
+61 7 336 53724 |
Mr Sean Byster-Bowles | |
Mr Owen Cafe | |
Mr David Cardenas Cordova | |
Mrs Helen Caswell | |
Dr Steve Chaddock Honorary Associate Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Miss Ellen Jane Chandler | |
Mr Hal Chandler | |
Mr Cam Changuion | |
Ms Zurani Charuruks | |
Ms Cathryn Chatburn Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Miss Asteria Chen | |
Ms Kaiqing Chen | |
Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi Head of School
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53796 |
Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi Professor and Head of School, Architecture, Design & Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Adjunct Professor Christina Cho Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Amit Choudhury | |
Mr Kai Chua | |
Ms Julia Comer | |
Dr Pedro D'Alpoim Guedes Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Andrew D'Occhio | |
Dr Sebastien Darchen Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53910 |
Mr Jonus Darr | |
Mr Peter Dawson Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Macarena de la Vega de Leon Honorary Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr John de Manincor Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Michael Dickson Honorary Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53537 |
Adjunct Professor Brian Donovan Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Kerry Doss | |
Mr Alexander Dowthwaite | |
Dr Shaneen Fantin Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Mohammad Hassan Faramarzian Borojeni | |
Miss Saba Fattahi Tabasi | |
Mr Joe Feng | |
Mr Brodan John Fernance | |
Professor Victor Feros Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Fred Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira Senior Lecturer in design (Built Environments)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 334 69081 |
Mr Steve Fischer | |
Dr Kaecee Fitzgerald | |
Mr Leon Fitzpatrick Senior Designer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr John Ford | |
Ms Karen Foster | |
Mr Chris Fulloon | |
Mr Christopher Furminger | |
Mr James Gall | |
Ms Kirstie Jean Galloway | |
Ms Lorena Garcia-Martin | |
Ms Fiona Gardiner Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Carroll Go-Sam Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 57381 |
Adjunct Professor David Gole Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Janina Gosseye Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Associate Professor Kelly Greenop Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53845 |
Ms Danielle Greenwood Administration Officer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53537 |
Miss Sionnan Gresham | |
Ms Sophie Griffiths | |
Mr Llewellyn Griggs | |
Adjunct Professor Alice Hampson Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Scott Hardcastle | |
Ms Reyna Harrison | |
Mr Elliot Harvie | |
Professor Bao-jie HE | ||
Mrs Emma Healy | |
Adjunct Professor Paul Henry Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Michael Herse | |
Mr George Hickman | |
Dr Susan Holden Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53958 |
Mr Mark Holland | |
Ms Hannah Holmen | |
Mr Paul Hotston Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Markos Hughes | |
Mr Jeffery Ross Humphreys | |
Miss Lexi Illuk | |
Ms Lu Jin | |
Dr Mark Jones Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
07 3346 7098 |
Dr Michael Kahn | |
Emeritus Professor Sandra Kaji-O'Grady Emerita Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Charlotte Kessler Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Catherine Keys Senior Lecturer & Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 334 69082 |
Dr Fahimeh Khalaj | |
Adjunct Professor Richard Kirk Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Greg Kitson | |
Ms Klara Kormendy | |
Mr Ricardo Labra Mocarquer | |
Mrs Lisa Lambie | |
Associate Professor Chris Landorf Honorary Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Associate Professor Paola Leardini Director of Research & Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53957 |
Dr James Lesh | |
Ms Paris Leung | |
Mr Rory Little | |
Dr Serge Loode | |
Mrs Shabnam Lotfian | |
Dr Dan Luo Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 334 61205 |
Professor John Macarthur Professor in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53780 |
Mr Gordon Macindoe | |
Ms Melanie Maher | |
Dr Ray Maher Senior Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
0478780287 |
Miss Alisha Mandla | |
Ms Arlyn Mangabat | |
Dr Harry Margalit Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Kali Marnane Associate Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Gregory Mason | |
Dr Soha Matour | |
Dr Paul Matthew Health, Safety, Wellness and Diversity Lead & Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53920 |
Mr Maurice McCallum | |
Mr David McEvoy | |
Mr Leo McMonagle | |
Professor Paul Memmott Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 4 184 415 58 |
Mr Alex Menchaca Velasco | |
Dr Silvia Micheli Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53849 |
Mr Daniel Miller | |
Dr Mehrnoosh Mirzaei Associate Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Elena Moctezuma Leyva | |
Ms Justine Money | |
Mr Camilo Montoya Giraldo | |
Associate Professor Antony Moulis Deputy Head of School
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 54010 |
Mrs Sara Muneeb | |
Dr Elizabeth Musgrave Honorary Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Daphne Nash Casual Research Officer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 3365 4228 |
Ms Katie Newall | |
Mr Tommy Bao-Nghi Nguyen | |
Ms Jyotir Nisha | |
Miss Lara Nobel | |
Miss Yassin Nooradini Shahabadi | |
Ms Kelly Nortje | |
Dr James Novak Adjunct Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Erez Nusem Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Miss Lucy Nell O'Malley | |
Dr Timothy O'Rourke Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53848 |
Ms Karen Sabrina Ognibene | |
Miss Claire Orr | |
Dr Ashley Paine Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning Director of ATCH
Centre of Architecture Theory Culture History |
+61 7 336 53878 |
Miss Emily Paterson | |
Ms Ankita Patil | |
Dr Helena Piha | |
Dr Dorina Pojani Associate Professor, Urban Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 56091 |
Mrs Melinda Pratt | |
Mr Liam Proberts | |
Miss Sarah Quinlan | |
Mr Hamid Reza Rafizadeh | |
Mr Anupa Ranhida Ranchagoda | |
Dr Julian Raxworthy Honorary Principal Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Adjunct Professor Michael Rayner Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Seth Remaut | |
Miss Emily Louise Richter | |
Mr Allan John Rielly | |
Ms Deborah Riley Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Honorary Professor Susan Roaf Honorary Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Megan Rodgers | |
Associate Professor Sonia Roitman Associate Professor in Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Jennifer Roughan | |
Mr Warren Rowe Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Ann-Maree Ruffles | |
Emeritus Professor Balwant Saini Emeritus Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Colin Saltmere Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Glen Searle Honorary Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Maryam Shafiei |
Mr Shahrokh Shamalinia | |
Ms Rani Shanks | |
Honorary Professor Ayyoob Sharifi Honorary Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Adjunct Professor Kirsti Simpson Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Honorary Professor Neil Sipe | ||
Honorary Professor Neil Sipe Honorary Professor of Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Hudson Smith | |
Dr Stephen Snow Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Amy Snyders | |
Dr Manu P. Sobti Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 334 61215 |
Mr Michael Stevens | |
Miss Julia Storor | |
Dr Karla Straker Senior Lecturer in Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Nicole Sully Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53785 |
Mr Lachlan Sweet | |
Mrs Krissi Teague | |
Miss Kirsti Tenni | |
Mr Leighton Thomas | |
Miss Linda Thomson Research Assistant / PA to Prof Paul Memmott
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Bridget Tighe | |
Mr Jaime Traspaderne | |
Mr Chris Trotter | |
Mr Bing Tuo | |
Mr Andrew Uttley | |
Mr Casey Vallance Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mrs Rebekah Vallance Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr Deborah van der Plaat | ||
Mr Marcus van Vuuren | |
Mr Paul Violett | |
Dr Brydon Wang Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Chris Wardle | |
Adjunct Professor Donald Watson Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Adjunct Professor Elizabeth Watson-Brown Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Dr John Willsteed Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Creative Practice, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
Dr Andrew Wilson Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 334 67852 |
Mr Benjamin Wilson | |
Adjunct Professor Hamilton Wilson Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Adjunct Professor Bruce Wolfe Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Mr Patrick Wolfe | |
Professor Cara Wrigley Professor in Design
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Stephanie Wyeth Snr Lecturer- Planner in Residence
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53880 |
Ms Stephanie Wyeth Snr Lecturer- Planner in Residence
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
+61 7 336 53880 |
Mr Qianbin Xu | |
Dr Chen Yang Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
Ms Terra (Ruoyun) Yang Executive Assistant to Head of School
School of Architecture, Design and Planning |
07 336 53861 |