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Dr Islam Abdellatif Mashaly
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
UQ School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr John Achari
Alexander Ackfun
Mr Alexander Ackfun
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Mubeen Ahmad
Dr Peyman Akhgar
Research Scholar
Dr Sara Alidoust
Senior Lecturer in Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 56671
Dr Zaheer Allam
Miss Thi Thanh Nhan An
Higher Degree by Research Student
Emeritus Professor Brit Andresen
Emerita Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Alfonso Arango Gonzalez
Mr David Auld
Mr Abolghasem Azhdari
Mr Kim Baber
Fellow in Civil Engineering & Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Mahnaz Bahremandi Tolou
Mr Mark Baker
Gregory Bamford
Dr Gregory Bamford
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Augustin Bauchot
Miss Gracie Beard
Mr Ashley Beckett
Mr Peter Besley
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Dylan Bolger
Ms Julie Ellen Borgelt
placeholder image
Ms Theresa Bower
Research Officer
School of Architecture
+61 7 3665 4051
Mr Scott Breton
Mr Jeffrey Briant
Dr Liz Brogden
Director of Teaching and Learning & Senior Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Miss Sonya Brown
Technical Officer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Technical Officer
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Sam Butler
Mr Sam Butler
Senior Technical Officer
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 7 336 53724
Mr Sean Byster-Bowles
Mr Owen Cafe
Mr David Cardenas Cordova
Mrs Helen Caswell
Dr Steve Chaddock
Honorary Associate Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Miss Ellen Jane Chandler
Mr Hal Chandler
Mr Cam Changuion
Ms Zurani Charuruks
Ms Cathryn Chatburn
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Miss Asteria Chen
Ms Kaiqing Chen
Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi
Head of School
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53796
Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi
Professor and Head of School, Architecture, Design & Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Christina Cho
Adjunct Professor Christina Cho
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Amit Choudhury
Mr Kai Chua
Ms Julia Comer
Dr Pedro D'Alpoim Guedes
Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Andrew D'Occhio
Dr Sebastien Darchen
Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53910
Mr Jonus Darr
Mr Peter Dawson
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Macarena de la Vega de Leon
Honorary Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr John de Manincor
Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Michael Dickson
Honorary Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53537
Adjunct Professor Brian Donovan
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Kerry Doss
Mr Alexander Dowthwaite
Shaneen Fantin
Dr Shaneen Fantin
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Mohammad Hassan Faramarzian Borojeni
Miss Saba Fattahi Tabasi
Mr Joe Feng
Mr Brodan John Fernance
Professor Victor Feros
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Fred Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira
Senior Lecturer in design (Built Environments)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 334 69081
Mr Steve Fischer
Dr Kaecee Fitzgerald
Mr Leon Fitzpatrick
Senior Designer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr John Ford
Ms Karen Foster
Mr Chris Fulloon
Mr Christopher Furminger
Mr James Gall
Ms Kirstie Jean Galloway
Ms Lorena Garcia-Martin
Ms Fiona Gardiner
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Carroll Go-Sam
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 57381
David Gole
Adjunct Professor David Gole
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Janina Gosseye
Dr Janina Gosseye
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Associate Professor Kelly Greenop
Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53845
Ms Danielle Greenwood
Administration Officer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53537
Miss Sionnan Gresham
Ms Sophie Griffiths
Mr Llewellyn Griggs
Adjunct Professor Alice Hampson
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Scott Hardcastle
Ms Reyna Harrison
Mr Elliot Harvie
Professor Bao-jie HE
Mrs Emma Healy
Paul Henry
Adjunct Professor Paul Henry
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Michael Herse
Mr George Hickman
Dr Susan Holden
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53958
Mr Mark Holland
Ms Hannah Holmen
Mr Paul Hotston
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Markos Hughes
Mr Jeffery Ross Humphreys
Miss Lexi Illuk
Ms Lu Jin
Dr Mark Jones
Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
07 3346 7098
Dr Michael Kahn
Emeritus Professor Sandra Kaji-O'Grady
Emerita Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Charlotte Kessler
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Catherine Keys
Senior Lecturer & Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 334 69082
Dr Fahimeh Khalaj
Richard Kirk
Adjunct Professor Richard Kirk
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Greg Kitson
Ms Klara Kormendy
Mr Ricardo Labra Mocarquer
Mrs Lisa Lambie
Associate Professor Chris Landorf
Honorary Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Associate Professor Paola Leardini
Director of Research & Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53957
Dr James Lesh
Ms Paris Leung
Mr Rory Little
Dr Serge Loode
Mrs Shabnam Lotfian
Dr Dan Luo
Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 334 61205
Professor John Macarthur
Professor in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53780
Mr Gordon Macindoe
Ms Melanie Maher
Dr Ray Maher
Senior Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Miss Alisha Mandla
Ms Arlyn Mangabat
Dr Harry Margalit
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Kali Marnane
Associate Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Gregory Mason
Dr Soha Matour
Dr Paul Matthew
Health, Safety, Wellness and Diversity Lead & Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53920
Mr Maurice McCallum
Mr David McEvoy
Mr Leo McMonagle
Professor Paul Memmott
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 4 184 415 58
Mr Alex Menchaca Velasco
Dr Silvia Micheli
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53849
Mr Daniel Miller
Dr Mehrnoosh Mirzaei
Associate Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Elena Moctezuma Leyva
Ms Justine Money
Mr Camilo Montoya Giraldo
Associate Professor Antony Moulis
Deputy Head of School
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 54010
Mrs Sara Muneeb
Dr Elizabeth Musgrave
Honorary Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Daphne Nash
Dr Daphne Nash
Casual Research Officer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 3365 4228
Ms Katie Newall
Mr Tommy Bao-Nghi Nguyen
Ms Jyotir Nisha
Miss Lara Nobel
Miss Yassin Nooradini Shahabadi
Ms Kelly Nortje
Dr James Novak
Adjunct Lecturer
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Erez Nusem
Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Miss Lucy Nell O'Malley
Dr Timothy O'Rourke
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53848
Ms Karen Sabrina Ognibene
Miss Claire Orr
Dr Ashley Paine
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Director of ATCH
Centre of Architecture Theory Culture History
+61 7 336 53878
Miss Emily Paterson
Ms Ankita Patil
Dr Helena Piha
Dr Dorina Pojani
Associate Professor, Urban Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 56091
Mrs Melinda Pratt
Mr Liam Proberts
Miss Sarah Quinlan
Mr Hamid Reza Rafizadeh
Mr Anupa Ranhida Ranchagoda
Dr Julian Raxworthy
Honorary Principal Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Adjunct Professor Michael Rayner
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Seth Remaut
Miss Emily Louise Richter
Mr Allan John Rielly
Ms Deborah Riley
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Honorary Professor Susan Roaf
Honorary Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Megan Rodgers
Associate Professor Sonia Roitman
Associate Professor in Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Jennifer Roughan
Mr Warren Rowe
Adjunct Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Ann-Maree Ruffles
Emeritus Professor Balwant Saini
Emeritus Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Colin Saltmere
Mr Colin Saltmere
Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Glen Searle
Honorary Associate Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Maryam Shafiei
Mr Shahrokh Shamalinia
Ms Rani Shanks
Honorary Professor Ayyoob Sharifi
Honorary Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Kirsti Simpson
Adjunct Professor Kirsti Simpson
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Honorary Professor Neil Sipe
Honorary Professor Neil Sipe
Honorary Professor of Planning
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Hudson Smith
Dr Stephen Snow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Amy Snyders
Dr Manu P. Sobti
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 334 61215
Mr Michael Stevens
Miss Julia Storor
Dr Karla Straker
Senior Lecturer in Design (Foundation Skills)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
No Photo Available
Dr Nicole Sully
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53785
Mr Lachlan Sweet
Mrs Krissi Teague
Miss Kirsti Tenni
Mr Leighton Thomas
Linda Thomson
Miss Linda Thomson
Research Assistant / PA to Prof Paul Memmott
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Bridget Tighe
Mr Jaime Traspaderne
Mr Chris Trotter
Mr Bing Tuo
Mr Andrew Uttley
Architecture Industry Fellow Casey Vallance
Mr Casey Vallance
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Architecture Industry Fellow Rebekah Vallance
Mrs Rebekah Vallance
Industry Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Deborah van der Plaat
Mr Marcus van Vuuren
Mr Paul Violett
Dr Brydon Wang
Lecturer in Design (Built Environment)
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Chris Wardle
Adjunct Professor Donald Watson
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Adjunct Professor Elizabeth Watson-Brown
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr John Willsteed
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Creative Practice, Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice
Dr Andrew Wilson
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 334 67852
Mr Benjamin Wilson
Adjunct Professor Hamilton Wilson
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Adjunct Professor Bruce Wolfe
Adjunct Professor
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Mr Patrick Wolfe
Professor Cara Wrigley
Professor in Design
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Stephanie Wyeth
Snr Lecturer- Planner in Residence
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53880
Ms Stephanie Wyeth
Snr Lecturer- Planner in Residence
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
+61 7 336 53880
Mr Qianbin Xu
Dr Chen Yang
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Ms Terra (Ruoyun) Yang
Executive Assistant to Head of School
School of Architecture, Design and Planning
07 336 53861