Miss Yassin Nooradini Shahabadi

Research project:
Improving Active School Travel Experience for Teenagers: Integrating Teenagers’ Perceptions in Design of School Routes.
Project description:
Active school travel (AST) refers to any form of travel which involves physical activity, such as walking and cycling to school. It offers a sustainable alternative to the increasing motorised transportation in recent decades. However, rapid urbanisation and car dominance have significantly disrupted our cities and raised barriers to AST.
To address this deficiency, this study aims to assess the experiences of teenagers with AST, focusing on how objective and subjective aspects of the urban environment facilitate AST. By employing Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), the research aims to analyse teenagers' feedback to uncover the key factors shaping their travel experiences and inform strategies to promote sustainable and inclusive mobility.
Researcher biography:
Yassin is a registered architect (Italy) working at the intersection of academia and industry. Her research focuses on enhancing active school travel by integrating human-centered design with data-driven methodologies, utilizing Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) and geospatial analysis.
Since 2019, Yassin has tutored undergraduate and postgraduate design studios and urban labs at Politecnico di Milano. Her Master's thesis received the "Michele Silvers Award X Edition" for outstanding architectural research, and she was awarded the INSPIRELI Award by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for the best student project in urban design.
Research interests:
Active School Travel (AST), Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Data-driven Urban Design, Liveability and Urban Policy.
Principal Supervisor:
Dr. Silvia Micheli
Y. Nooradini, "Bonding Nature," Research Design-Oriented Project. (2020). Book chapter in Design Actions for Shifting Condition, TU Delft BK.
Y. Nooradini, "Geometry as the Persian Miniature Fracture." (2020). Abstract presented at CA2RE: Conference for Artistic and Architectural Research, Trondheim, 2020.
Y. Nooradini, J. Vermaas, D. Podrasa, "A Vision for Scheeps-Buurt." (2020). Book chapter in Smart Mobility & Urban Development in Haven-Stad, Amsterdam, TU Delft Open.
Y. Nooradini, S. Micheli, D. Luo, Y. Liu, "Prioritising Child-Friendly Design Solutions with Explainable AI: An Integrated Approach Using Machine Learning and Crowdsourced Elo Ranking." Accepted for presentation at the CAADRIA 2025 Conference (forthcoming).
Y. Nooradini, S. Micheli, D. Luo, Y. Liu, "The Practice of Slowness: Enhancing Human-Centered Design (HCD) Through Slow Travel." Presented at BODY MATTERS Conference, Norwich University, 2024 (forthcoming publication).
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