Dr Gregory Bamford
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Architecture, Design and Planning

Book Chapters
Bamford, Greg (2008). Box 11: Urban density, compactness and urban form. Positive development: From viscous circles to virtuous cycles through built environment design. (pp. 288-288) edited by Janis Birkeland. London, U,K.; Sterling, VA, U.S.A.: Earthscan.
Bamford, Greg (2002). Density, environment and the city. Design for sustainability: A sourcebook of integrated eco-logical solutions. (pp. 168-171) edited by Janis Birkeland. London, U.K.; Sterling, VA, U.S.A.: Earthscan.
Journal Articles
Bamford, Greg (2021). Function and forethought in design. Design Studies, 76 101032, 1-20. doi: 10.1016/j.destud.2021.101032
Bamford, Greg and Jones, Christopher Frederick (2014). Constance Street Affordable Housing. Architecture Australia, 103 (3 (May/June)), 24-29.
Bamford, Greg (2012). Sideways. Green: Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design (26), 36-42.
Bamford, Greg (2011). Community: Building Modern Australia. Fabrications, 20 (2), 141-142. doi: 10.1080/10331867.2011.10539686
Bamford, Greg (2011). Life beyond setbacks. Architecture Australia, 100 (3), 51-54.
Bamford, Greg (2011). Renovating the Suburbs. Houses (79), 29-29.
Bamford, Greg and Jones, Christopher Frederick (2011). Our houses: A conversation. Houses (78), 45-46.
Bamford, Greg (2009). Urban form and housing density, Australian cities and European models: Copenhagen and Stockholm reconsidered. Urban Policy and Research, 27 (4), 337-356. doi: 10.1080/08111140903108572
Bamford, Gregory S. (2009). Review: Bulimba boathouse. Architectural Review Australia, 112, 86-92.
Bamford, Gregory S. (2009). Rethinking our housing and neighbourhood models. The Queensland Shelter Quarterly, 6 (1), 12-15.
Bamford, Gregory S. (2009). Spooked by sprawl?. Architecture Australia, 98 (1), 37-39.
Bamford, Greg and Lennon, Lea (2008). DES 18: Cohousing and rethinking the neighbourhood in the Australian context. BEDP Environment Design Guide, 54 (5), 1-10.
Bamford, Greg (2008). DES 17: Cohousing - An introduction to a residential alternative. BEDP Environment Design Guide, 53 (1), 1-10.
Bamford, Greg (2007). The rules of the game. Landscape Architecture Australia (115), 46-47.
Bamford, Greg (2005). Understanding Sustainable Architecture: Terry Williamson, Antony Radford and Helen Bennetts. Spon Press, 2003. Architecture Australia, 94 (5), 50-50.
Bamford, Greg (2005). Cohousing for older people: Housing innovation in the Netherlands and Denmark. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 24 (1), 44-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6612.2005.00065.x
Bamford, Greg (2005). Theory. Architecture Australia, 94 (1), 92-92.
Bamford, Greg (2004). More on criticism. Architecture Australia, 93 (3), 94-94.
Bamford, Greg (2004). Design research: Peter Downton, RMIT University Press, 2003. Architecture Australia, 93 (3), 52-52.
Bamford, Greg (2002). Visitors to Brentham. Brentham News (146), 6-7.
Bamford, Greg (2002). From analysis/synthesis to conjecture/analysis: A review of Karl Popper's influence on Design Methodology in Architecture. Design Studies, 23 (3), 245-261. doi: 10.1016/S0142-694X(01)00037-0
Bamford, Greg (1999). What is the Problem of Ad Hoc Hypotheses?. Science & Education, 8 (4), 375-386. doi: 10.1023/A:1008633808051
Bamford, Greg (1996). Popper and his Commentators on the Discovery of Neptune: a close shave for the Law of Gravitation?. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 27 (2), 207-232. doi: 10.1016/0039-3681(95)00045-3
Bamford, Greg (1993). Popper's Explications of Ad hocness: Circularity, Empirical Content, and Scientific Practice. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 44 (2), 335-355. doi: 10.1093/bjps/44.2.335
Bamford, Greg (1989). Watkins and the Pragmatic Problem of Induction. Analysis, 49 (4), 203-205. doi: 10.1093/analys/49.4.203
Conference Papers
Bamford, Gregory S. (2010). Representational and realised design: Problems for analogies between organisms and artifacts. CEPHAD 2010 Conference: The borderland between philosophy and design research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-29 January 2010. Copenhagen, Denmark: The Danish Design School (Danmarks Designskole).
Bamford, Gregory S. (2010). Design, function and use in artifacts: Problems for bio-artifact modelling. CEPHAD 2010 Conference: The borderland between philosophy and design research, Copenhagan, Denmark, 26-29 January 2010. Copenhagen, Denmark: The Danish Design School (Danmarks Designskole).
Bamford, Gregory S. (2010). Disembodied design and selection: Problems for analogies between organisms and artifacts. CEPHAD 2010 Conference: The borderland between philosophy and design research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-29 January 2010. Copenhagen, Denmark: The Danish Design School (Danmarks Designskole).
Bamford, Greg (2008). Understanding housing density. 2nd Australasian Housing Researchers' Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 20-22 June 2007. Brisbane, Australia: Housing Policy Research Program,The University of Queensland.
Bamford, Greg (2007). Housing preferences and international innovations: The case of co-housing for older people. 3rd Annual Australia's Ageing Population Summit 2007, Brisbane, Australia, 28-29 August 2007. Sydney, Australia: Australian Financial Review Conferences.
Bamford, Greg (2006). Functions proper and improper: An argument from design. AAP 2006: The 2006 meeting of the Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP), Canberra, ACT, Australia, 2-7 July 2006. Canberra, ACT, Australia: ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences.
Bamford, Greg (2006). How should housing densities be determined: A comparative analysis of Brisbane and Copenhagen. State of Australian Cities National Conference 05. 2nd Bi-Annual National Conf. on the State of Australian Cities (SOAC), South bank Campus, Qld Conservatorium, Griffith University, 30 November - 2 December 2005. Nathan, Brisbane, Australia: Urban Research Program, Griffith University.
Bamford, Greg (2004). 'Living together on one's own': Cohousing for older people - an example from Denmark and The Netherlands. Queensland Shelter Housing Conference, Gold Coast International Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 15 - 17 June 2004.
Bamford, Greg S. (2004). A tale of two cities: Urban form, housing densities and amenity. State of Australian Cities National Conference (SOAC), Carlton Hotel, Parramatta, 3rd - 5th December 2003. Online: University of Western Sydney.
Bamford, Greg (2003). Thinking productively about lower densities: A response to Peter Newman. ISOS Online Conference: In Search of Sustainability, Canberra, ACT, February-November 2003. Canberra, Australia: International Organization for Standardization.
Bamford, Greg (2003). Research, knowledge and design. Design + Research: Project Based Research in Architecture. Second International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia, Melbourne, Australia, 28-30 September 2003. Melbourne, Australia: Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia.
Bamford, Greg (2001). Bringing Us Home: Cohousing and the Environmental Possibilities of Reuniting People with Neighbourhoods. Situating the Environment at The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, 15-16 February, 2001. St Lucia, Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
Bamford, G. S. (1998). How shall we live then?. Tenth Ecopolitics Conference, Canberra, 26-29 September, 1996. Canberra: Ecopolitics Association of Australia.
Bamford, Greg (1998). Where Do I Live? Growing Up, Neighbourhoods and Environmental Reform. Catalyst '97: Designing Eco-Solutions, The University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 5-8 December, 1997.
Bamford, Greg (1995). Sustainability, Social Organisation and the Australian Suburb. Rethinking the Built Environment: Catalyst '95 Design & Environment Conference, Centre for Environmental Philosophy, Planning & Design, University of Canberra, 13 - 16 July 1995. Belconnen, ACT: Centre for Environmental Philosophy, Planning & Design.
Bamford, Greg (1993). Sociable Housing and Eco-possibilities. Facing the Future: Ecopolitics VII Conference, Brisbane Australia, 2 - 4 July 1993. Brisbane, QLD: Faculty of Environmental Science, Griffith University.
Bamford, Greg (1992). Density, equity and the green suburb. Ecopolitics V, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia, 4 - 7 April 1991. Kensington, NSW, Australia: Centre for Liberal & General Studies, University of NSW.
Bamford, Greg (1991). Design, Science and Conceptual Analysis. Architectural Science and Design in Harmony: Proceedings of the joint ANZAScA / ADTRA conference, Sydney, 10-12 July, 1990.
Bamford, Greg (1989). Popper, refutation and 'avoidance' of refutation. PhD Thesis, Department of Philosophy, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/8838
Audio Documents
Shutter, Leigh, Arthurs, Andy, Bamford, Greg, McColl, Mary Rose and Skinner, Peter R. (2007). Hearing the city Symposium Title 5: In conversation. Centre for Subtropical Design, Queensland University of Technology.
Bamford, Greg (1996). Ockham's Razor: The Discovery of Neptune. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.