Research project: 
Urban planning responses to climate change adaptation in Pacific cities

Project description:
Is urban planning being changed by current forms of climate change adaptation? If so, in what ways? Through my research, I try to answer that question in a context where it is a particularly pressing issue: Fiji. 

Through qualitative research in the Fijian capital, Suva, and its periphery, I look at how current developments of 'resilient' water and sanitation infrastructure affect the way the city is governed. Who is included in new urban projects? Which actors plan, implement and maintain those new developments? And finally, what kind of city is being envisioned and shaped through this?

This work is done in partnership with the University of the South Pacific, in Suva. It is fully funded by the QUEX Institute, a partnership between the University of Queensland and the University of Exeter, through its Global Environmental Futures theme. 

Researcher biography:
Master of Urban Governance (Sciences Po, Paris, France)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Sciences Po, Paris, France)

Research interests: 
Urban Infrastructure; Water-sensitive Urban Design; Climate Change Adaptation; Risk Governance; Climate Finance. 

Principal Supervisor: 
Associate Professor Sonia Roitman

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