Over four days in May 2018, Indigenous community thinkers, researchers and academics from Chile and Australia got together in Brisbane and Stradbroke Island to critically discuss the problematics of extraction, development and Indigenous community sustainability. The symposium was centered on how legislation recognising Indigenous peoples’ rights to consultation prior to development impacts such as mining projects, forestry projects or other forms of extraction have brought enormous pressure and potential threats, as well as opportunities, for communities in Australia and Chile. We discussed the ways that Indigenous peoples in these nations seek to manage consultation and negotiation with powerful interests, gain development advantages, or to resist extraction processes.

Symposium Leaders and The University of Queensland Academics: Sally Babidge, Anthropologist, School of Social Science, UQ; Paul Memmott, AERC and IDP; Deanna Kemp, Director. Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, UQ

Invited but unable to attend included: Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation Delegation, Brian Coghill (GoorieMooka Tours)

Kate Connell (UQ Cultural and Heritage Unit) & Alec Doomadgee (Waanyi Cultural Heritage Project) were unable to attend to present their paper - The legal and the possible. Waanyi cultural heritage projects.

Other specially invited participants included: Patricia Dallachy (Gudjal elder and Board member of the North Queensland Land Council, Charters Towers

Symposium Presentations