Digital archive of Queensland architecture
The Digital Archive of Queensland Architecture offers a wealth of information on the region's design history. The multi media archive was originally constructed as part of the ARC Linkage Project: Architectural Practice in Post War Queensland: Building and interpreting an oral history archive, and includes entries on Queensland's postwar architects, architectural firms, oral history interviews, journal articles, architectural drawings, and photos of projects (historic and contemporary). The archive provides access to material held by a number of Queensland's architectural firms and material uploaded to the archive by the general public. Integrating a number of innovative research tools, including relationship maps, the archive makes visible new and exciting ways to write architectural histories. Initially focused on the post war period, the archive is now expanding to include pre 1945 and post 1975 material. Future research directions include digital publishing, expanding the crowd sourcing functions, and the sustainability of the archive.
Related Publications:
Journal Articles
- Jane Hunter, John Macarthur, Deborah van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye, Andrew Wilson, Andrae Muys, Gavin Bannerman, A Web 3.0 approach to building an online digital archive of architectural practice in post-War Queensland, Comma, 2012
Conference Papers and Presentation
- Deborah van der Plaat, ‘Oral Histories and the Historiography of Queensland Architecture,’ Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Annual Conference, 6-10 April, Pasadena, 2016.
- Deborah van der Plaat, Digital stories and Semantic Web technologies. New practices in developing and interpreting an architectural archive, SAH (Society of Architectural Historians, USA), Buffalo, 9-14 April, 2013.
Symposium/Public Fora
- Janina Gosseye, Noami Stead and Deborah van der Plaat, convened, Lost In Conversation, International Symposium, 1 November, The University of Queensland, 2013.
- Co-convened (with Andrew Wilson and Janina Gosseye), Climate and the Queensland House, Public Forum, State Library of Queensland, November 7, 2013.
- John Macarthur, Janina Gosseye and Deborah van der Plaat (convened), Visions for Brisbane, Public Forum, State Library of Queensland 27 August 2013, 5.30-8.00pm. 1 of 4 public forums to promote the Linkage project Oral Histories of Queensland Post-War Architecture: Building and Interpreting an Oral Histories Archive and building communities of interest in Queensland architecture.
- John Macarthur, Deborah van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye (convened), Architectural Education in Post war Queensland, Public Forum, State Library of Queensland, March 5 2013, 5.30-8.00 pm. 1 of 4 public forums to promote the Linkage project Oral Histories of Queensland Post-War Architecture: Building and Interpreting an Oral Histories Archive and building communities of interest in Queensland architecture.
- John Macarthur, Deborah van der Plaat and Janina Gosseye (convened), [Hi]stories of Queensland post-war architecture 1945-1975, Public Forum, State Library of Queensland, November 8, 2012, 5.30-8pm. 1 of 4 public forums to promote the Linkage project Oral Histories of Queensland Post-War Architecture: Building and Interpreting an Oral Histories Archive and building communities of interest in Queensland architecture.
- Naomi Stead, Janina Gosseye and Deborah van der Plaat, Speaking of Buildings: Oral history in Architectural Research, Princeton Architectural Press, (forthcoming; contact accept May 2017)
- John Macarthur, Deborah van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye and Andrew Wilson, eds. Hot Modernism: Queensland Architecture 1945-1975 (London: Artifice, 2015)