UQ architecture student Siubhan Rudge’s aspirations to work in Asia led her to the heat of Myanmar’s capital city Yangon thanks to the New Colombo Plan. Here she discusses the marvel of learning in Myanmar.
Architecture involves designing spaces that have a positive influence over the experience of the built environment. It uses problem solving to provide an optimal solution for each project regardless of the scale.
I chose to study architecture at UQ because I hope to one day contribute and make a difference through smart design solutions. When studying architecture, quite often our designs and ideas are influenced through our own personal experiences. By opening ourselves up to new discoveries and unique experiences, we can progress and explore new elements of design in the hope to create a better space.
Going into the final year of my undergraduate degree, the opportunity came up to participate in an overseas project funded by the New Colombo Plan as a part of Mobility Matters. Working in Asia had always been something I’d aspired to do after living and travelling extensively around Asia, so I couldn’t let the opportunity pass. I was lucky enough to be one of 20 architecture students selected to participate in a two week practical design and research project in Yangon, Myanmar.