Level 4 Homeroom

What is the Level 4 Homeroom? 

A space for you! All year levels are able to work in this social and learning space on Level 4 of the School (51-481). It's also the home base of our
student societies, and a great place to meet fellow students. 

Can I eat and drink in the Homeroom? 

Yes – but you are expected to keep the place clean and tidy.

What else can I do in the Homeroom? 
  • Work collaboratively with your peers
  • Get a headstart on your study using the computers available
  • Meet your student society representatives
  • Use the materials space to assemble your design models 
  • Hang out with your mates IRL!
  • Refill your water bottle
  • Find out about the latest ADP events



We recommend less than 10 hours a week paid work for full time students.

Student email 

Remember to check your student emails regularly. Go to myUQ for details.

How should I manage my time?
  • Read dates carefully as not all classes are weekly
  • Put together a weekly and semester schedule  
  • Start each course by understanding how the course is structured, the requirements, learning resources and when the assessments are due. Course profiles can be found at myUQ.
  • Be active! Attend all lectures, studios and tutorials; checkout Facebook groups for your courses; participate in learning activities; practice problems; revise and review your work; and if in doubt, ask!
  • Utilise all of the learning resources available to you, such as:
What happens if I don’t turn up for a lecture or studio? 

You will need to catch up – talk to your peers and look on Blackboard for what you’ve missed. If it’s a compulsory session, you can lose marks for not attending. Contact your course coordinator if you need more assistance.

Where do I hand in my assignments? 

Read the course profile – most submissions will need to be uploaded via Blackboard.

What if my assignment is late? 

There are only two allowable reasons to submit assignments late: medical (medical certificate required) and exceptional circumstances. Email the ADP office to discuss an extension – the earlier the better. 

Do I need to have my own laptop? 

If you are planning on buying a laptop, tablet, external storage or software please wait until the first week of classes. Your course coordinator will advise what laptop is best suited for your requirements. All electrical equipment used within UQ (laptops, chargers etc.) must be tested and tagged for electrical safety. Find out more about Test and Tag services provided by the EAIT faculty here.

What facilities are available to me for use? 

All ADP students have access to the Collaborative Workshop (Co-Lab), located on the ground level of Zelman Cowen Building 51. The workshop is open Monday to Friday 8am - 3pm. Students are welcome to visit (without appointment) to explore the equipment and materials available. In order to use the specialised equipment, you are required to undertake relevant online training and attend induction sessions. These can be accessed through UQ Blackboard > UQ CoLab Workshop. 

Can I ask for assistance in the workshop? 

Workshop staff are available to provide technical advice to students and assist with the design, production and implementation of their projects. For initial enquiries, visit the workshop staff in Zelman Cowen Building 51-101 to discuss how they can support you. Alternatively, contact the team via email.

What materials should I use for model making?

The CoLab has cardboard, foamboard, balsa wood and plywood in various thicknesses, available for students to purchase. It is recommended that students visit the workshop to confirm material availability before purchasing. Please note that only cardboard, balsa wood and acrylic can be used in the workshop’s laser cutters. Consult the workshop staff for more information.

What other UQ workshops are available for School of Architecture, Design and Planning students?

School of Architecture, Design and Planning students also have access to UQ Innovate, an EAIT shared workshop, located on the ground level of Mansergh Shaw Building 45. In order to use the facilities, you are required to undertake relevant online training and attend induction sessions. For enquiries, contact the team via email.