Program requirements

The program requirements (course list and program rules (PDF, 152KB)) set out the courses and rules you must follow to successfully complete this program. 

You must also comply with UQ’s University Policies and Procedures.


What do the different requirements mean?

  • Compulsory - all students must complete this course
  • Prerequisite for major - a course required for this major
  • Required for Major - a course required for this major
  • Recommended - a course which complements the major, but can be substituted for an elective
  • Elective - an elective course from the course list, or as permitted by the program rules

Year 1 - Semester 1

Course Code & TitleRequirements
GEOS1100 Environment & SocietyCompulsory
PLAN1000 The Planning ChallengeCompulsory
PLAN1001 Introduction to PlanningCompulsory
Choose 2 units from:

ARCH1140 Buildings in History & Culture
ECON1010 Introductory Microeconomics
ECON1020 Introductory Macroeconomics
ECON1050 Tools of Economic Analysis
ECON1310 Quantitative Economic & Business Analysis A
POLS1101 Introduction to Australian Political Institutions
POLS1301 Introduction to Political Ideas ]


Year 1 - Semester 2

Course Code & TitleRequirements
GEOG1000 Human SettlementsCompulsory
GEOM1000 Fundamentals of Geographic Information & TechnologiesCompulsory
PLAN1100 Foundational Ideas for PlanningCompulsory
PLAN1101 Teamwork & Negotiation for PlannersCompulsory

Year 2 - Semester 1

Course Code & TitleRequirements
GEOM2001 Geographical Information SystemsCompulsory
ENVM2008 Cultural Heritage ManagementCompulsory
PLAN2005 History of the Built EnvironmentCompulsory
PLAN2100 Transport PlanningCompulsory

Year 2 - Semester 2

Course Code & TitleRequirements
GEOG2104 Urban GeographyCompulsory
PLAN20001 Urban Design StudioCompulsory
PLAN2003 Urban DesignCompulsory
ENVM21002 Foundations of Sustainable DevelopmentCompulsory
  1. This course will be last offered in Semester 2, 2021.
  2. From Semester 1, 2021 ENVM3220 replaces ENVM2200. Pre-2021 students should complete ENVM2100 in place of ENVM2200

Year 3 - Semester 1

Course Code & TitleRequirements
ENVM3103 Regulatory Frameworks for Environmental Management & PlanningCompulsory
PLAN3005 Community Planning & ParticipationCompulsory
GEOG3000 Regional Economic Development PlanningCompulsory
PLAN32023 Property Development (formerly REDE3200)Compulsory
  1. This course may be discontinued and last offered in Semester 1, 2021. If the course is discontinued the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences will advise students of suitable alternatives once finalised.

Year 3 - Semester 2

Course Code & TitleRequirements
GEOG3003 The Global MetropolisCompulsory
GEOG3205 Applied DemographyCompulsory
PLAN3000 Plan MakingCompulsory
PLAN3001 Applied Research MethodsCompulsory

Please note: Students who have completed 48 units from part A of the BRTP course list (years 1 to 3) and have a GPA of 5.5 may elect to apply to the Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning (Honours) program in lieu of continuing with the fourth year of the BRTP program.

BRTP(Hons) enables students to complete an 8-unit research project (PLAN4008) and is recommended for students who intend to go on to further research, or who would like to complete a larger research project.

Year 4 - Semester 1

Course Code & TitleRequirements
ENVM3115 Climate Change & Environmental ManagementCompulsory
PLAN4001 Advanced Planning TheoryCompulsory
PLAN41001 Advanced Planning PracticeCompulsory
Choose 2 units of electives from Part B Program List1Elective
  1. Course currently offered in Semester 1 only. Course will be offered in Semester 2 only from 2024. 

Year 4 - Semester 2

Course Code & TitleRequirements
Choose 8 units of electives from Part B Program List1Elective
  1. At least 4 units of Part B electives need to be Level 3 or higher.

If approved to enter the BRTP(Hons):

Year 4 - Semester 1 (Honours stream)

Course Code & TitleRequirements
GEOS6001 Research DesignCompulsory
ENVM3115 Climate Change & Environmental ManagementCompulsory
PLAN4001 Planning TheoryCompulsory
PLAN41001 Advanced Planning PracticeCompulsory
  1. Course currently offered in Semester 1 only. Course will be offered in Semester 2 only from 2024. 

Year 4 - Semester 2 (Honours stream)

Course Code & TitleRequirements
PLAN4008 Planning ThesisCompulsory