Is Architecture Art? An Introduction to the Aesthetics of Architecture

Title: Is Architecture Art? An Introduction to the Aesthetics of Architecture
Author: Professor John Macarthur
Publisher: Bloomsbury (2024)

This fascinating new book examines a provocative, complex question posed by its title: Is Architecture Art? The volume not only interrogates the question but also the relevance of philosophical aesthetics to the practice of making buildings, and why this relationship matters to the discipline of architecture.

Now available for pre-order, Is Architecture Art engages the work of thinkers ranging from Hume and Kant to Adorno, Tafuri and Rancière. It draws on accessible and thought-provoking accounts of historical and contemporary architectural and art theory, and encourages a new understanding of the purpose of architectural practice in the contemporary era as the concepts of “art,” “the arts” and of the creative economy continue to shift and blur.

Read more about Is Architecture Art? here.


Last updated:
27 February 2025