Parlour LAB 14 online talk – Places of opportunity: designing with and for young people

30 Jun 2022

Children and young people are fellow citizens, so how do we ensure they are welcome, included and safe in our built and urban environments? How are can we ensure their voices are heard and their experiences taken into consideration during design processes?  What are the implications when they are excluded? Our speakers this session all bring considerable expertise and knowledge to these questions.

Join us to hear from Penelope Carroll, Karen Witten and Kate Bishop as they discuss designing with and for young people with conveners Kali Marnane and Rebecca McLaughlan.

This session is a companion to Parlour LAB 13, which looked at design spaces of learning for young people. Note this LAB is on a Thursday (not the usual Friday). 

Date and Time
Thursday 21 July 2022
12.30pm–1.30pm AEST
12:00pm–1:00pm ACST
10.30am–11.30am AWST
2.30pm–3.30pm NZ
Online – a link will be sent after you book
1 formal point on completion of the CPD questions – a link to the questions will be sent after you book.
