Book Chapter
Loode, Serge (2015). Inquiry into Practice and Practising Inquiry: The Intersection of Practice Intervention and Research. Methodologies in Peace Psychology. (pp. 255-274) Switerland: Springer International. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-18395-4_13
Journal Articles
Brigg, Morgan, Druckman, Daniel, Loode, Serge and Thai, Hannibal A. (2025). The conflict coaching challenge: design and evaluation of an online conflict coach. International Journal of Conflict Management. doi: 10.1108/ijcma-07-2024-0159
Trenczek, Thomas and Loode, Serge (2012). Mediation "made in Germany": A quality product. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 23 (1), 61-70.
Loode, Serge and Mills, Deborah (2012). Book review: Acting together: Performance And the creative transformation of conflict, volumes 1 And 2, Cynthia E. Cohen, Roberto GutiƩrrez Varea and Polly o. Walker (Eds), (2011). Applied Theatre Research, 1 (1), 131-135. doi: 10.1386/atr.1.1.131_5
Loode, Serge (2011). Peacebuilding in complex social systems. Peace, Conflict and Development (18), 1-15.
Loode, Serge (2011). Navigating the unchartered waters of cross-cultural conflict resolution education. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 29 (1), 65-84. doi: 10.1002/crq.21037
Loode, S G W (2006). Obligatorische aussergerichtiche Streitschlichtung - Irrwege und Auswege. Betrifft Justiz, 85, 263-270.
Loode, S G W (2006). ACPACS introduces the ADR program conflict resolution training. The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Newsletter, May 2006, 6-7.
Loode, S. G. W. (2005). An experiment with small claims mandatory conciliation. ADR Bulletin, 8 (1), 1-8.
Loode, S. G. W. (2005). Germany - An experiment with small claims mandatory conciliation. World Arbitration and Mediation Report, 16 (5), 153-160.
Conference Papers
Loode, Serge (2010). Navigating uncharted waters: Culturally appropriate conflict resolution education with local co-trainers. 10th Australian National Mediation Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 6-9 September 2010.
Loode, Serge (2010). Working in complex communities: What peacebuilding can learn from complex systems science. IPRA 2010 Global Conference "Communicating Peace", Sydney, NSW, Australia, 6-10 July 2010.
Research Report
Loode, Serge, Nolan, Anna, Brown, Anne and Clements, Kevin (2009). Conflict management processes for land-related conflict. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.