About Research Seminar: Values and Standards in Digital Twins

Increasingly, Property and Facilities divisions of universities are looking to digital tools to manage decision-making. This seminar presents ongoing research from overlapping research projects at the School of Architecture, the creation of a ‘digital twin’ of UQ’s St Lucia campus and research on digital cultural heritage of late modern campus architecture.  

Visualisation of data in a digital environment and the increasing availability of ‘live’ data streams promises availability of real time understanding and the ability to predict the outcome of future actions. Decision-making about the viability of refurbishment or adaptability of buildings is often framed in economic or practical terms, however, guided by UNESCO’s four pillars of sustainable development (economic, environmental, social, and cultural) our holistic approach asks how the competing values of buildings can practically be reconciled within such a model? And what standards are currently suitable for the easy assimilation of digital data into digital archives and presentations such as the UQ St Lucia campus digital twin? 

This session will be presented by Steve Chaddock and Islam Mashaly.  The discussion afterwards will be chaired by Susan Holden and Fred Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira and followed by refreshments from 4pm  - 5pm.


Exhibition Space - Level 3
Zelman Cowen Building
University of Queensland
St Lucia