Digital cultural heritage: Mediating modern migratory memories of space and time
There has been significant interest in both digital heritage technologies and cultural routes over recent years. Digital technologies can improve heritage management with condition capture and maintenance systems, enhance interpretation with interactive media, enrich archives with sensory experiences and augment histories with crowdsourced data. Cultural routes can epitomise the nexus between diverse traditions, acknowledge feats of human ingenuity and endurance, and recognise enduring intercultural dialogue across space, time and societies. Yet both developments have been criticised, the former for taking too narrow a view of a rapidly innovating and seductive environment of digital tools, technologies and applications, and the later for failing to adequately articulate the dynamic and continuously evolving nature of cultural routes. Both also provoke questions about authenticity, ownership and value, and both challenge the concept of ‘living heritage’ and the sustainability of heritage values. The junction between the two, however, remains essentially under-explored.
Digital cultural heritage: Mediating modern migratory memories of space and time
The session will focus less on descriptive projects and more on how digital technologies can contribute to heritage debates about cultural routes as a representation of tangible places and intangible practices across space, time and society.
Papers might explore what evidence can be captured using digital technologies and how such evidence might be interrogated, commodified or experienced; how histories of dynamic cultural routes can be researched, interpreted, negotiated and represented; when a cultural route should be protected for future generations and how digital technologies can be used to manage a cultural route sustainably in the present? The aim of this session is to consider the relationship between tangible digital data and intangible historical research, and to theorise the role of digital technologies in the context of modern cultural routes.
Session Convenors: Chris Landorf and Kelly Greenop
Conference Sessions are detailed here: