Research project: 
Public Housing and Spatial Justice in Jakarta, Indonesia

Project description: 
This research explores the interplay between public housing programs and spatial justice in Jakarta, Indonesia. With a focus on the Rusunami (affordable homeownership flats) and Rusunawa (affordable rental flats) initiatives, the study examines Spatial Justice from distributive and institutional dimensions.

Researcher biography: 
PhD in Urban Planning, School of ADP, Faculty of EAIT, The University of Queensland, Australia (2021-Now) 

Master of Arts in Economics, International Development Programs, International University of Japan, Japan (2010-2012)

Bachelor’s Degree in social science, Faculty of Social and Politics, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia (2003-2008) 

Research interests: 
Urban Planning, Spatial, Social Justice, Public Policy, Housing Policy, Affordability.

Principal Supervisor: 
AsPr. Sonia Roitman

Publications: Proceedings on the 4th IAS Annual Conference on Understanding the Population Dynamics, in Macau (2024) titled: "Understanding the Housing Needs in Indonesia"

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