Follow our step-by-step instructions to apply for coursework research thesis courses, as part of your coursework program.  

The application process takes time, so to avoid disappointment please ensure you plan and apply for your project as soon as possible.
A thesis is a guided, independent research project conducted through a series of advisory meetings and self-directed study. It offers students the opportunity to undertake a focussed research project in a specific area of research interest.

It is expected that students will achieve an advanced level of academic argument and the mastery of instruments for constructing and expressing that argument. The research project culminates in a body of work that communicates the process, outcomes and value of the research. This may include (as agreed with the thesis supervisor): a written dissertation, fieldwork reports, artefacts from material experiments, and research reports.

Students will have an individual supervisor and meet for approximately one hour per week, or a blocked equivalent. The thesis student cohort, coordinator and supervisors will meet during the semester to provide an overview and comparison of the research being undertaken and the expectations for the thesis. 

Students who are considering enrolling in a Higher Degree by Research degree (Master or Doctor of Philosophy) in the future are strongly encouraged to undertake the coursework research thesis option.

If you have any queries about this process, email us via including your name and student number in your message.